important note
Recently UBC’s SSC services have migrated to Workday. The current page is written based on the SSC menu, however the migrated Workday system has a similar or identical menu structure. If you have any questions, please ask your course instructor or contact support via email.
Q1 : I had an interview and got assigned to a course last year, but I didn’t end up taking the course. Do I need to have another interview this year?
A1 : If you haven’t studied Korean since your last interview and your proficiency level hasn’t changed, you don’t need to have another interview. However, you must complete the online questionnaire each term you apply for the course
Q2 : I was assigned to KORN 102 after completing the survey, but the course doesn’t show up in my SSC. What should I do?
A2 : Being placed into a certain level does not automatically enroll you in the course. The survey or interview result only confirms your eligibility to take the course, but you must register for the course yourself.
Q3 : I completed a Korean course at UBC and want to continue to the next level. Do I need to have a placement interview again?
A3 : No. If you received a final grade of over 60%, you can register for the next course without an interview. For example, if you completed KORN 102 and received a grade of 60% or higher, you can register for KORN 200. However, if your final grade was below 60% (59% or lower), you must retake the course. If you completed Term 1 of KORN 102 during the winter term, you don’t need to have another interview to continue in the course for Term 2.
Q4 : I’m on the waitlist for a course and there’s one open spot, but the course is blocked. Can I take it?
A4 : The department follows their waitlist policy to move students into the course. Please refer to the department’s waitlist policy for more information
Q5 : I’m of Korean descent. Can I take a Korean course, and which course should I take?
A5 : Please follow the Placement Procedure to find a suitable course for you.
Q6 : I can speak Korean and want to get a language requirement exemption. How can I do that, and how should I prepare for the test?
A6 : Please see the instructions on our website. You will be asked to provide two sample writings as part of the test (Step 3 of our Placement Procedure) and have an oral interview with our instructor (Step 5). If you can communicate in Korean in daily life situations without difficulty, you are likely to be able to get an exemption, but your interviewer will make the final decision.
Q7 : I want to learn Korean, but I can’t register for a course because it will exceed the credit limit. Can I audit it?
A7 : No. Auditing is not allowed. However, if you are a graduate student doing research in Korea-related topics, you can formally register as an auditor with your advisor’s permission to take the course. Otherwise, we do not allow auditing.
Q8 : I want to take a Korean course, but I have a schedule conflict only on certain days. Can I register for the course and attend different sections only on those days?
A8 : No. You must attend the section you registered for, and you must not have any schedule conflict on any days of class on your schedule.
Q9 : I want to learn Korean, but I can’t take a course due to my heavy major course load. How can I learn Korean on my own?
A9 : You can use our Basic Korean textbook and exercises posted on our website. We also run the Korean Speaking Practice Forum, a volunteer-led program where you can meet a Korean speaker to practice speaking, in Winter Term 1 and Winter Term 2. Please enroll here for more information.