Lesson Exercise 1

Listen to the audio and choose the right answer.

a. please look at the first page b. please look at the next page c. please look at your books d. please don’t look at your books

c. please look at your books

a. please repeat (after me) b. just listen, please c. please answer d. please say it

b. just listen, please

a. let’s begin b. shall we start? c. let’s rest for ten minutes d. do you understand

a. let's begin

a. please say it slowly b. please say it for me again c. please say it d. please say it in Korean

d. please say it in Korean

a. all together b. just listen, please c. let’s begin d. one more time

d. one more time

a. please look at the first page b. please look at the next page c. please don’t look at your books d. please look at your books

a. please look at the first page

a. I understand b. do you understand? c. any questions? d. I don’t understand

b. do you understand?

a. please say it loudly b. please say it for me again c. please say it in Korean d. please answer

a. please say it loudly

a. please look at your books b. please don’t look at your books c. please look at the next page d. please look at the first page

c. please look at the next page

a. please say it loudly b. please say it slowly c. one more time d. please repeat (after me)

b. please say it slowly

a. please answer b. please say it c. please look at your books d. please don’t look at your books

d. please don't look at your books

a. please repeat (after me) b. just listen, please c. all together d. one more time

a. please repeat (after me)

a. sorry I am late b. I don’t understand c. let’s begin d. let’s rest for ten minutes

a. sorry I am late

a. yes, I have b. do you understand? c. any questions? d. no, I haven’t

c. any questions?

a. please say it loudly b. please say it slowly c. please say it for me again d. please say it again in Korean

c. please say it for me again

a. I understand b. yes, I have c. no, I haven’t d. I don’t understand

d. I don't understand

a. no, I haven’t b. yes, I have c. I understand d. I don’t understand

b. yes, I have

a. I don’t understand b. I understand c. please repeat d. please say it

b. I understand

a. yes, I have b. no, I haven’t c. I understand d. no, I haven’t

b. no, I haven't