Basic Expressions (I): Korean Script

You will shortly learn the Korean alphabet, and then you should use this section to review the Basic Expressions. Until then, you may find it helpful to have a rough Roman-script indication of how the sentences sound, and we have provided you with this in the following section. The transcription there reproduces the same set of expressions, but in a phonetic notation so as to give you a guide to pronunciation.

1. 네 or 예. Yes.
2. 아니오. No.
3. 김선생님, 안녕하세요? How are you, Mr. Kim? [Explanation: (a family name); 선생 teacher, Mr. or Mrs. or Ms.; 선생님 revered teacher, Mr., Mrs. or Ms.; 안녕하세요? Are you peaceful (=well)?]
4. 네. 안녕하세요? Fine, how are you?
5. …입니다. I’m…
6. 만나서 반갑습니다. Nice to meet you; nice to see you. [Literally: I meet you, so I am pleased]
7. 안녕히 가세요. Good-bye! [To one who is leaving = Go in peace (i.e. health)]
8. 안녕히 계세요. Good-bye! [To one who is staying = Stay in peace (= health)]
9. 수고하십니다. Hello! [to someone working]
수고하세요. Good-bye! [to someone working]
수고하셨어요. Thank you for helping me or Well done! [Explanation: 수고 hard work, i.e. You’re doing a great job, Keep up the good work, and Well done.]
10. 처음 뵙겠습니다.. Pleased to make your acquaintance. [Literally: I see you for the first time (formally), i.e. How do you do?]
11. 또 뵙겠습니다. See you later! [FORMAL] [Explanation: again, 뵙겠습니다 will humbly see / meet = I will see you]
12. 고맙습니다 or 감사합니다. Thank you.
13. 천만에요 or 괜찮아요. You’re welcome! or Don’t mention it! [= It’s one of ten million (words)]
14. 어서 오세요! Welcome! [= Come (in) right away!]
15. 들어오세요! Come in! [= Please enter]
16. 앉으세요. Please take a seat / sit down.
17. 실례합니다. Excuse me (for what I am doing). [= I am committing a discourtesy]
실례했습니다. Excuse me (for what I did). [= I have committed a discourtesy]
실례하겠습니다. Excuse me (for what I’m about to do). [= I am about to commit a discourtesy]
18. 미안합니다 or 죄송합니다. I’m sorry or Excuse me. [= I feel uneasy]
19. 아니오, 괜찮아요. Not at all, it’s all right; No, thanks. [Explanation: 아니오 No; 괜찮아요 It makes no difference, it doesn’t matter, it’s okay]
20. 여보세요! Hello! or Hey there! [Hello on the telephone, or when peering into a dark house. Also means Look here!]
21. 시간이 다 됐습니다. It’s time (to begin or stop). [Explanation: 시간 time; 시간이 time (as subject); all, completely; 됐습니다 it has become. . .]
22. 또 봐요. See you later! [POLITE] [= See you again. This is less formal than 20]
23. 그래요? Is that so? Really?
그래요. That’s so. Really.