New Nouns: Food and Drink (1) | |
커피 | coffee |
냉커피 | ice coffee |
냉수 | ice water |
냉면 | cold noodle dish |
콜라 | cola |
얼음 | ice |
요리 | cooking, cuisine |
중국 요리 | Chinese cuisine |
이탈리아 요리 | Italian cuisine |
아이스크림 | ice cream |
소주 | Korean rice vodka, soju |
양주 | whiskey; western spirits |
New Nouns: Food and Drink (2) | |
설탕 | sugar |
설탕을 타- [타요] | add/put in sugar |
설탕을 타세요? | Do you take sugar? |
설탕을 넣- [넣어요] | add/put in sugar |
크림 | cream |
생크림 | fresh cream |
프리마 | nondairy creamer |
홍차 | black tea, English tea |
생맥주 | draft beer |
피자 | pizza |
사이다 | a Korean soft drink like Seven-up? |
빙수 | shaved ice/ice slush, usually with fruit toppings |
샌드위치 | sandwich |
햄버거 | hamburger |
핫도그 | hotdog |
Other New Nouns (1) | |
카페 | cafe (more upscale than a tabang) |
양담배 | western cigarettes; non-Korean cigarettes |
미인 | a beautiful woman |
아주 미인입니다. | She’s a real beauty. |
미남 | a handsome man |
풀 | starch; glue |
풀(을) 먹이- | starch something |
때 | time [when] |
아무 때나 오세요. | Come any time. |
그때에는 | At that time |
잠깐 | a moment |
잠깐만 기다리십시오. | Please wait a moment. |
만화 | comics, cartoons (both the written variety and the TV variety) |
꽃 | flower(s) |
꽃이 피- | flowers bloom, blossom |
꽃들이 다 폈어요. | All the flowers have bloomed. |
음악 | music |
음악회 | concert |
재즈 | jazz |
재즈 음악 | jazz music |
Other New Nouns (2) | |
연극 | play, drama |
산 | mountain |
시골 | countryside, the country |
바다 | the ocean, the sea |
바닷가 | the beach |
도시 | city |
교외 | suburb(s) |
복도 | hallway, corridor |
손님 | customer; guest customer; guest |
마음 | mind, heart |
마음(이) 좋아요 | has a good heart, is good-natured |
지하철 | subway, underground, metro |
형제 | brothers (for males); brothers and sisters |
형제가 몇 명이에요? | How many brothers and sisters do you have? |
오빠 | elder brother (for females) |
언니 | elder sister (for females) |
New Verbs and Related Expressions (1) | |
똑똑하- | be bright, intelligent |
결혼(을) 하- | marry |
결혼하셨어요? | Are you married? |
약혼(을) 하- | get engaged |
약혼했어요. | I’m engaged. |
약혼자 | fiance(e) |
세탁(을) 하- | launder it, do laundry |
세탁소 | a laundry, laundromat, cleaners |
은퇴(를) 하- | retire |
타- | ride in, ride on |
자전거를 타- | ride a bike |
택시를 타- | take a taxi |
스키를 타- | ski, go skiing |
스케이트를 타- | skate, go skating |
걸- (ㄹ ~ ㄷ: 걷다) | walk |
우리 아기는 아직 걷지 못 해요. | Our baby can’t walk yet. |
걸어가- | walk, go on foot |
걸어갑시다. | Let’s go on foot. Let’s walk. |
New Verbs and Related Expressions (2) | |
심심하- | be/feel bored |
피곤하- | be tired |
넣- | put in, insert |
설탕을 넣으세요? | Do you put sugar in [your coffee]? |
테니스(를) 치- | play tennis |
피아노(를) 치- | play the piano |
무거w- | be heavy |
가벼w- | be light [in weight] |
마치- | finish it |
배(가) 부르- | [stomach] be full |
배 불러요. | I’m full. |
돌아가- | goes back, returns there |
돌아오- | comes back, returns here |
춤(을) 추- | dances (a dance) |
New Verbs and Related Expressions(3) | |
어때요? | how is it? how about it? |
서울은 어때요? | How do you like Seoul? |
서울은 어떻습니까? | [same as above, but Formal Style] |
들어오- | come in, enter; return home |
어제 늦게 들어왔어요 | I got in late last night. |
들어가- | go in, enters |
좋- [좋다 pronounced 조타] | be good; be liked |
나는 서울이 좋아요. | I like Seoul. |
좋아하- | like it |
나는 서울을 좋아해요. | I like Seoul. |
싫- [싫다 pronounced 실타] | be disliked, distasteful |
싫어하- | dislike it |
주문(을) 하- | order [at a restaurant] |
건강하- | be healthy |
건강 | health |
New Adverbs | |
어떻게? | how? in what way? |
별로 + NEGATIVE | (not) particularly |
갑자기 | suddenly |
벌써 | already |
인제, 이제 | now (finally) |
아니면 | Or (sentence-initially) |
How to Get the Attention of Service Personnel | |
저기요! | Hey there! [a bit brusque, or even rude] |
저기! | [same as above, but even less cultured] |
여보세요! | Hello! Excuse me! |
여기 좀 봐요! | Say there! Excuse me! |
학생! | [if the server looks to be a student] |
If the Server is Female, Male | |
언니! | older sister [usually used by young women to other women, but also used, in jest, by some cheeky men] |
아가씨! | Girl! Usually used by men to (presumably) unmarried women, but some women take offense now. |
누나! | older sister [usually used by young men to older women, especially if it looks like they might be offended by either 아가씨! or 아주머니!] |
아주머니! | Ma’am'[used about or to any woman who looks married] |
아줌마! | [same as above but more familiar] |
아저씨! | Mister [used about or to any man who looks married] |