The Canada preliminary round of the 2023 Quiz on Korea was held in the Asian Centre on May 8th. The event was co-hosted by the Korean Language and Culture program and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Vancouver to raise awareness about Korea overseas. Also, this year, we celebrated the 60th year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and South Korea.

The event began with welcome messages to all participants by the consul general, Jongho Kyun, the Department Head, Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh, and Korean historian, Dr. Donald Baker. Following the welcome messages, the participants answered questions on a variety of topics, such as Korean popular culture, Korean food, and Korean proverbs. Some participants joined the random dance time activity and were awarded with gift cards. Performances by the UBC Taekwondo team and the K-pop dance team, Zonic, added more excitement to the event.

Julianna Loresco, who took the KORN102 course during the 2022 summer term at UBC, won the Grand Prize and she will visit South Korea this September for the final round of the quiz show. Congratulations Julianna, and we will all support you at the finals! The 1st place prize went to Stephanie Zhong, who has completed the KORN302 course; and 2nd place went to Danielle Chen, who worked as a WorkLearn student for the Korean Language and Culture program. Other UBC students, Alden Chang, Evens Wong, and Janice Xu, received the 3rd place prizes. Congratulations to all of the winners and the other participants on your achievements and we hope that we can see you again at next year’s event!