
Counting and Time Expressions (1)

how many? (some/several)
며칠 how many days? (a few days)
며칠 계십니까? How many days are you staying?
얼마나 about how much? approximately how much?
번호 number
전화번호 telephone number
전화번호가 어떻게 됩니까? What’s your telephone number?
여러 NOUN several, various NOUN
여러가지 음식 all kinds of food
여러분 all of you, everybody
한 NUMERAL about, approximately (NUMERAL)
한 두 시간 걸립니다. It takes about two hours.
전에 earlier, before
후에 afterwards, later, later on
두 시간 후에 만납시다. Let’s meet in two hours.

Counting and Time Expressions (2)

나중에 in the future, some time later, later
내년(에) next year
금년(에) this year
주중에 during the week, on week days
지난 NOUN past, last NOUN
지난 번에 last time
-번 a time
한번 once, one time
한번 더 one more time, once more
이번 NOUN this NOUN
이번 주말 this weekend
생일 birthday
생신 birthday (honorific)
나이 age
 나이(가) 많아요. She is old.
연세 age (of s.b. esteemed)
 연세(가) 많으세요. She is old. (honorific)

Counting and Time Expressions (3)

-년생(이에요) is a person born in such-and-such a year (use Sino-Korean numbers)
 몇년생이십니까? What year were you born in?
 칠십구년생입니다. I was born in ’79.
-학년(이에요) is a student in such-and-such a year or grade (at school)
 일학년 first-year, Freshman
 이학년 second-year, Sophomore
 삼학년 third-year, Junior
 사학년 fourth-year, Senior
 몇학년입니까? What year are you (in school)?
half (as in half hour)
 반 시간 half hour
오전 A.M.
오전 아홉시 반 9:30 A.M.
오후 afternoon; P.M.
오후 두시 2 P.M.
새벽 dawn, early morning (1:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.)
새벽 두시 2:00 A.M.

Other New Nouns (1)

부자 a rich person
동네 neighborhood, part of town
식탁 dining table, kitchen table
a class
파티 party
맥주 beer
안주 food to go with alcoholic beverages
감자 potato(es)
감자깡 crispy fried potatoes, potato chips
오징어 squid
오징어깡 squid chips
새우 shrimp
새우깡 shrimp chips

Other New Nouns (2)

사과 apple
과일 fruit
동갑 a person of the same age
엉터리 something or someone fake or bogus; rubbish, piece of junk, hogwash
  청소를 엉터리로 했어요. I did a half-baked job of cleaning up.
물건 goods
road, way, street
the end
처음 the beginning
처음에는 at first, in the beginning
처음부터 끝까지 from beginning to end
방학 school vacation

New Verbs (1)

고생(을) 하- suffer, endure hardship
용서(를) 하- forgive
용서하십시오. Forgive me; I beg your pardon.
태어나- be born
어디서 태어나셨습니까? Where were you born?
젊- be young
고마w-  [고맙다] be grateful, thankful
고맙습니다. Thank you.
매w- [맵다] spicy, spicy hot
시작(을) 하- begin
다르- be different
영어는 한국어하고 달라요. English is different from Korean.
사람마다 다릅니다. Everybody is different.

New Verbs (2)

아르바이트(를) 하- do part-time work as a student
아르바이트 part-time work for students
놓- put/place it
시키- order (at a restaurant)
도와주- help
좀 도와주십시오. Please help me.
끝나- it finishes
영화가 언제 끝납니까? When does the film finish?
끝내- finishes it
이 일을 빨리 끝내십시오. Please finish this job quickly.
잊어버리- forget


왜(요)? why?
왜냐하면 The reason is, It’s because
without fail, by all means, for sure
꼭 오십시오. Please be sure to come.