Family and Relatives
식구 | members of the family |
식구가 몇 명이에요? | How many people in your family? |
사촌 | cousin |
사촌누나(누님) | cousin (boy’s older female cousin) |
사촌형님 | cousin (boy’s older male cousin) |
사촌언니 | cousin (girl’s older female cousin) |
사촌동생 | cousin (boy or girl’s younger cousin) |
삼촌 | uncle (on father’s side) |
외삼촌 | uncle (on mother’s side) |
큰아버지 | uncle (father’s elder brother) |
작은아버지 | uncle (father’s younger brother) |
이모 | aunt (mother’s sister) |
이모부 | uncle (mother’s sister’s husband) |
고모 | aunt (father’s sister) |
고모부 | uncle (father’s sister’s husband) |
아드님 | son (honorific) |
따님 | daughter (honorific) |
아저씨 | uncle (generic); mister |
아주머니 | aunt (generic); ma’am |
아줌마 | auntie (casual for 아주머니) |
Brothers and Sisters
형님 | elder brother (for males) |
남매 | brother and sister |
저 두 사람은 남매예요. | Those two are brother and sister. |
자매 | sisters |
누나 | elder sister (for males) |
남동생 | younger brother |
여동생 | younger sister |
장인 | father-in-law (for males) |
장인어른 | father-in-law (elegant) |
장모 | mother-in-law (for males) |
시아버지 | father-in-law (for females) |
시어머니 | mother-in-law (for females) |
시부모 | parents-in law (for females) |
시댁 | esteemed house/home of the parents-in law (for females) |
장인장모 | parents-in-law (for males) |
사위 | son-in-law |
며느리 | daughter-in-law |
조부모 | grandparents |
할아버지 | grandfather |
외할아버지 | grandfather (on mother’s side, if you need to specify this) |
할머니 | grandmother |
외할머니 | grandmother (on mother’s side, if you need to specify this) |
손주 | grandchild(ren) |
손자 | grandson |
손녀 | granddaughter |
손녀딸 | (same) |
조카 | nephew |
조카딸 | niece |
자녀분 | children (honorific) |
자녀분이 있으세요? | Do you have children? |
자제분 | children (honorific, interchangeable with 자녀분) |
친척 | relative |
Family and Relatives
드리- | give (to somebody esteemed) |
설거지 | dirty dishes |
설거지(를) 하- | wash the dishes, do the dishes |
걱정 | a worry; worries |
걱정(을) 하- | worry |
데이트 | a date |
데이트(를) 하- | go on a date |
흐리- | become/get cloudy |
날씨가 흐렸어요. | The weather has become cloudy/clouded over. |
비(가) 오- | rain comes (it rains) |
비가 쏟아지고 있어요. | It is pouring down/It is raining buckets. |
눈(이) 오- | snow comes (it snows) |
운동 | sports; exercise |
운동(을) 하- | do sports; exercise |
운동장 | sports stadium |
골프 | golf |
골프(를) 치- | play golf |
Verbal Expressions (2)
미혼(이에요) | (is) unmarried |
말씀(을) 하시- | (somebody esteemed) says |
말씀(을) 드리- | humbly say, say to somebody esteemed |
사장님께 말씀 드릴까요? | Shall I tell the boss? |
늦- | be late |
이상하- | be strange, odd |
통하- | go through; (a language/message) is understood, gets across |
추w- [춥다] | be cold |
가까w- [가깝다] | be close, nearby |
어리- | (a child) be young; be childish |
맞- | be right, correct; hit the mark |
네, 맞습니다. | Yes, that’s right. |
이혼(을) 하- | get divorced |
이혼했어요. | is divorced |
졸업(을) 하- | graduate |
런던 대학을 졸업했어요. | I graduated from the University of London. (not with 에서) |
넥타이(를) 매- | put on/wear a tie |
콘택트렌즈(를) 끼- | wear contact lenses |
버리- | throw it away |
숙제 | homework |
-데 | a place |
스포츠 | sports (especially in the newspaper or on TV) |
프로 | pro (sports); TV program |
프로 야구 | professional baseball |
코미디 프로 | a television comedy show |
날씨 | weather |
마루 | the living area in a Korean-style apartment/house; wooden floor |
진지 | cooked rice (honorific equivalent of 밥) |
할아버지, 진지 잡수세요. | Grandfather, the meal is served. |
장마 | Korea’s rainy season, Korea’s seasonal rains |
장마(가) 지- | the rainy season sets in |
한국은 여름에 장마가 집니다. | The rainy season in Korea comes in the summer. |
봄 | spring |
여름 | summer |
가을 | autumn, fall |
겨울 | winter |
군인 | soldier, serviceman |
선교사 | missionary |
둘 다 | both, both of them [Literally: all two] |
아까 | a short while ago; just a moment ago |
모두 | all, everyone |
그냥 | just (as one/it is), without doing anything; just |
맛없지만 그냥 먹읍시다. | It doesn’t taste like much, but let’s eat (it as it is). |
이렇게 | in this way, like this |
그렇게 | in that way, like that; so |
그렇게 어렵지는 않아요. | It’s not so difficult. |
저렇게 | in that way |
멀리 | far |
멀리 가지 마세요. | Don’t go far. |
멀리서 | from a distance |
그러니까 | So, what I mean to say is; So, what you’re saying is |
아마 | maybe, probably (often used with -(으)ㄹ거에요 and -겠어요) |
아마도 | maybe, probably (but a bit more tentative than just 아마) |